What To Expect

While our services can be customized for exactly what you need, an example of what to expect during an on-site assessment and our optimization Program is below:

  • THI identifies opportunities through a comprehensive on-site assessment
  • Meeting with each team member
  • Observing current state
  • Evaluating opportunities
  • Comprehensive Report is provided after the assessment is completed. This Report is used to outline current state, recommended future state and the path to get there.

Phase 1 of our Revenue Cycle Optimization implements those new processes and workflows that were identified as opportunities in the assessment

  1. This is an intensive first year, with typically bi-monthly on-site visits to provide training and implement new workflows
  2. On the weeks we are not on-site, we are still holding virtual meetings and available for questions and calls as needed
  3. Change is hard, so reinforcement and repetition is crucial in this initial stage

We want to help you Maintain increased third-party revenue and efficient and compliant processes and workflows, so in Phase 2 of our Revenue Cycle Optimization Program we continue on-site time on a quarterly basis.  Phase 2 is all about supporting, training, and consulting – so we also keep the virtual meeting calls and remain available as needed.

What can be expected as a result:

  • Increased third-party revenue
  • Recouped previously uncollected revenue
  • Increased efficiency and accuracy in coding and billing
  • Implemented industry best practices
  • Continual provision of training and education
  • Instituted key performance indicators and reporting
  • Clinical documentation improvement
  • Compliance following federal and state guidelines

Pricing Example

How much does this cost?

An example of our pricing is our on-site assessment, which averages from $20,000 to $25,000. All of our pricing is customized and based on visit volumes and the requested scope of work. Contact us to discuss your needs, and we can provide you with a customized proposal.